Points to discuss BEFORE wedding – part 7 (by V.O. Ruzov, translated)

  1. Whether we have clear and accurate idea about how we will earn and how to spend our money?  How we concern an inequality in incomes and how  we will make decisions what to buy  and that not to. We should develop system of our financial mutual relations, as money is a disturbing energy. Money is similar to a roof over the head – if someone one has decided that it is possible to sell a roof to buy a sofa, another can be frightened of such decision. We should understand, what  will be a decision-making process for not to become helpless later. The world is fastened on monetary relations; therefore not to talk about money is not to talk about the biggest problem there is. It is certainly extremely unreasonable.


Remember: the main source of problems in this world is money. By discussing this problem we indirectly build happy relationship.

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