Contradictions of Love (The controversy of love, contradictions in relationship, duality). A chapter from Technologies of Success: Living Well Isn’t Against The Law by Vyacheslav Ruzov

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Love comes to us from two sources. The result looks practically

the same externally, but internally there’s a fundamental difference.

If love manifests from human lust, it is fraught with contradictions.

This is because any material activity is dual by nature. As much as we’d

like to have good luck, an equal share of bad luck follows. As much

as we’d like Yin to come into our life, it is always accompanied by the

same size Yang. Then, if love comes from spiritual reality, it is bound

to collide with material reality. And again, there’s no way to get around


The desire for eternal love doesn’t match with the impermanence

of this world. Thus, conflict is inevitable. But it doesn’t mean that love

is impossible. Conflict is less of a problem if we realize what’s going on.


The main thing is to understand the inner essence of contradictions.

The duality of this phenomenon can be minimized then. For example,

an experienced housewife knows that hot oil and water come into

conflict. If you pour water into hot oil, the mixture will explode.

However, if you pour oil into boiling water, you’ll only hear a slight


He beats you because he loves you…

These impressive and terrible words came out of the easiest

contradiction that exists in love. That is the contradiction of allpermissiveness

and the desire to protect. If I allow my beloved one

absolutely everything – gratification of any kind, I let him/her get into

a dreadful situation one day. Except joy, they will sooner or later have

to experience the same amount of suffering.

A truly loving person wants his/her beloved to be happy and

doesn’t want him/her to suffer. It requires that we resolve a contradiction

between all-permissiveness and the desire to protect against grief. And

it is resolved by the method of strictness. Strictness is the right balance

between all-permissiveness and prohibition. If we truly love someone,

we have to be strict. If we aspire for true love, we must be prepared to

be strict with ourselves.

We allow swimming in the river but strictly forbid swimming

beyond the buoys. We allow staying out but demand to come back

home before dark. We allow the child to play with friends but insist on

doing homework first. We allow riding a bike but prohibit riding on a

busy road.

Too much rigor grows into violence; lack of strictness, however,

turns into all-permissiveness. Both these extremes impede love, or, in

other words, neither is the expression of love since the key principle –

the desire to protect – is being lost.

The same principle of strictness reveals itself in spiritual love, as

well. A spiritual person loves God, but instead of all-permissiveness,

this love manifests itself as iron discipline. A believer doesn’t think that

“now that I love God I can do anything I want”. On the contrary, to

protect his/her love, one becomes strict with oneself in desires, when

it comes to mind, senses and body. It’s not that one simply rejoices

Technologies of Success: Living Well Isn’t Against The Law by Vyacheslav Ruzov 76

in spiritual happiness – along with that, a spiritual person abides by

all the rules of spiritual development. However, if he/she is too strict,

love for God grows into fanaticism. On the other hand, if one is too

relaxed, it becomes sentimentalism, or sahajiya. Again, these extremes

don’t let divine love develop and cause many types of suffering instead.

Therefore, if one speaks about the Absolute Truth but doesn’t touch on

the topic of strictness of spiritual life, in a befitting way, this is a form of

subtle violence. A listener becomes deceived, being deprived of proper

understanding of love.

Another contradiction of love manifests itself in the relationship

with the seniors. A senior person is the one we should seek good advice

from. As we try to follow this advice, a complex loving controversy

becomes apparent. The seniors invariably possess perfect rightmindedness

concerning the theoretical framework. But when it comes

to practical application, misunderstandings may occur. This is because

life circumstances of those who get advice may be different. Therefore,

whenever we face a contradiction, we must know the rules for proper

behavior. It will help us not to lose our loving relations with the seniors.

And these loving relations are among the most important ones.

Once again, strictness is what is needed. On one hand, we

wholeheartedly value the experience of the senior. We try our best to

grasp the vision of how to act. It is with all our heart that we feel the

desire of the seniors to protect us. We appreciate it and are very grateful

for their advice.

One day people complained to the old sage about all the evil that

came into being together with the so-called technical advancement:

“What’s the use of this technical junk?” they said. “How does it

help people think about the values and sense of life?”

“Anything can contribute to our knowledge.”

“What can we learn, say, from a railroad?”

“That in a moment one can lose everything.”

“What about the telegraph service?”

“That you have to pay for every word you say.”

“How about the phone?”


“That everything we speak here is heard over there…”

On the other hand, we mind our own life principles and strive

to get it done so that there is no contradiction at the end. We are

obliged to accept loving instructions from the seniors. But we are also

responsible for other people we love: the junior ones; those dependent

on us, the equals; and God, after all. If we are not strict with regards to

this situation, love of the seniors won’t bring happiness to us. It won’t

make them happy either. And we have ourselves to blame! To take sage

advice is not enough – one has to put it to work in a proper way. Looks

like a semi-finished product. If it hasn’t been heated, who is to blame?

This is exactly what love for seniors is – we must follow their advice

in such a way that everyone gets happy. Failure to do so will cause

misery to those who have given this advice, after all. This is especially

important to remember, if the advice raises many doubts.

We are talking about it because seniors nowadays stop playing

the role of wise mentors who know the purpose of human life. But it

doesn’t mean we should reject their advice. Disregard for seniors will

destroy our soul; destroy all culture, humanity and spirituality, along

with that. Therefore, we do follow the seniors’ advice, but if it’s not too

spiritual, we make adjustments. In the long run, these adjustments are

beneficial for us, the seniors and all the surrounding people, as well.

For example, if a senior person asks to drink to his/her health,

we are obliged to drink, but it doesn’t have to be alcohol. If you drink

alcohol, it will make you ill, and the seniors who advised it, will also

face the consequences. And so, because we wish the adviser all the best,

we drink juice instead of whiskey, as we follow their advice. By doing

so, we keep ourselves healthy and protect the seniors from negative

consequences. The one who, getting the advice, thinks not whether

it’s proper or improper, but how to follow it so that everyone derives

benefit, is a friend to all living beings. Even if you give such a person

a wrong advice, he/she will follow it in such a way that you benefit

yourself in any case.

The key is not to be afraid to act strictly. Strictness is a mandatory

attribute of a high achiever — a person who wants to do good to others.

Technologies of Success: Living Well Isn’t Against The Law by Vyacheslav Ruzov 78

A low achiever is the one ready to do good to himself/herself only. It’s

common to think that unlucky fellows are those for whom nothing

goes well. But this is not the case. A real loser is the one who benefits

himself/herself only while making others suffer. Therefore, we shouldn’t

be afraid to benefit both individuals and the community as a whole. It

will teach us true spiritual generosity – nobility of a person ready to

undergo hardships for the sake of bringing true spiritual happiness to

others. This is how a man of faith acts, and this is really glorious. Only

those who have no fear can do good and bring happiness to others in

this world.

It was right at our subway station that a terrorist attack took place

yesterday, and I’d like to tell a parable in this regard.

Once upon a time a monk wandered the world and met the

Plague. The Plague was making way to his native city.

“Where are you going to?” he asked her.

“The city you lived in,” said the Plague. “I have to claim a thousand


It happened after a while that the monk encountered her again.

“Why did you deceive me?” he reproached her. “You said you

would claim a thousand lives, but you took five thousand.”

“I told you the truth then,” replied the Plague. “I really took a

thousand lives. Others died from fear.”

We shouldn’t be afraid whenever we come up against an obstacle

or get into trouble, or when we receive some contradictory advice. It

doesn’t matter in the least. The main thing is our willingness to make

every effort to dovetail all that with the superior purpose. The purpose

is to gain spiritual understanding since it is only spiritual vision that

can release one from suffering. I must understand that I’m the eternal

soul and being happy is in my nature. Whereas the body is temporary

and it’s always full of anxiety. Only if I manage to understand that,

can I fully focus on the soul and endure bodily problems with dignity,

thereby starting to live like a real sage.


To sum it up, let’s hear another parable.

Once upon a time there lived a very wise sage. People always

turned to him for help, and he always gave good counsel. The fame of

his wisdom spread everywhere.

One day it reached the ears of another man who was also wise

and famous in his neighborhood. He also used to help others. He liked

it that people considered him to be the wisest and put value in his

advice. As soon as this man learnt about another sage, he became angry.

He thought he would lose his fame now. And the man started to think

how to prove to others that he was actually the wisest.

Finally he decided, I’m gonna take a butterfly, hide it in my

hands, approach the sage in front of everybody and ask: “What’s the

thing in my hands?” Naturally, he is a great sage. He’ll twig and say:

“You’ve got a butterfly.” Then I’ll ask him: “Is it dead or alive?” If he says

the butterfly is alive, I’ll slightly press it with my palms. When I let my

hands slacken, everyone will see that the butterfly is dead.

And in case he says the butterfly is dead, I’ll set it free and it will

fly. People will see that he was not right.

So said, so done. He took a butterfly and approached the sage.

“What’s in my hands?” he asked.

The sage looked and said,

“You’ve got a butterfly.”

Then he said,

“Now tell me: is it dead or alive?”

The sage looked into his eyes and thought for a while.

“Everything is in your hands,” — he said.

Want to be AWESOME?


Become an awesome individual, who anyone will be happy to be with.
If you are an educator, parent, grandparent or a person that someone looks up to (or you want to be) – watch, learn and do!
Wise Parenting program will list 30 personal traits, explaining and exploring each in depth, plus practical assignment for developing every quality.
This Intro class shows how the system works, its basis and origin, also the method of passing the qualities on children or other people.

30 Qualities of Awesome Person


Become an awesome individual, who anyone will be happy to be with.
If you are an educator, parent, grandparent or a person that someone looks up to (or you want to be) – watch, learn and do!
Wise Parenting program will list 30 personal traits, explaining and exploring each in depth, plus practical assignment for developing every quality.
This Intro class shows how the system works, its basis and origin, also the method of passing the qualities on children or other people.

Days of the week

Dear friends, this is my first book for kids as well as adults. There is a deep wisdom for you and simple learning for children.

We learn the best by taking information, dwelling on it and coming to our very own conclusion, thus creating an inner experience. Than only it becomes a part of our own wisdom and we gain the ability use it in any circumstances of life.

Here is a story that can become the part of your inner experience and base for one more pool of wisdom in your consciousness.

Are you bored to do what you have to do again and again day after day? Have you ever thought to yourself, why me, why I have to do it?

The life gave this place because it is the best place for you to learn something very essential for moving on.

Find out what did Sun learned about his place in life.

If you have a young child, this book will make it easy to learn the names and sequence of the days of the week. And you always can discuss the adventure too. For wisdom comes not with age…

Ebook available here



Marriage problems?


Yes, it is that important and valuable! Don’t listen to all kind of “well-wishers” that advise to divorce, no matter who it is!

If you have marriage problems,  please understand that your family is like a sick child, would you try to heal or kill? What kind of situation it has to be that you would decide to kill? Can you imagine any? Would you listen to people who give you such an advice?

On the other hand, would you sit and wait that the disease will go on its own if ignored? No, you will do everything possible and impossible for healing!

If no one supports you in your desire to preserve that life of your family-child and your hopes heal it comment here – we are there for you with all our knowledge and experience!

Like and share the post for it may SAVE A LIFE of a family,  comment if you have any questions!

VIDEO – How To Fix Broken (Or Build Up Functioning) Parent-Child Relationship



Do you feel that something is missing?

Does your relationship lack warmth and closeness?

Do you think it needs more mutual trust?

May be  the relationship is not as good as it used to be or it is (nearly) destroyed?

If you can answer YES to one or more of these questions,

Than this Free Online Class is for you

“How To Fix Broken (Or Build Up Functioning) Parent-Child Relationship”

To learn 6 simple and ABSOLUTELY PRACTICAL steps,
that you will be able to apply IMMEDIATELY in your relationship


What is responsibility ?

responsibility-is-100-readiness-to-accept-any-and-all-results-or-consequences-of-my-actions-and-inactionsWhat is responsibility?  It is 100%  readiness to accept any and all results or consequences of my actions and inactions.

Here are some examples :

  • someone stepped on my foot – I am responsible – I was on the way
  • my child is trowing tantrum  – I am responsible – I did not prepare him/her for situation
  • people crossing my boundaries of space or time – I am responsible – I did not show and explained them clearly there the line is

Share this with your friends, Like it if you feel so, share your thoughts and experience on topic in comments

Fanaticism (chapter from “How to Get Twice as Happy” by V.O. Ruzov)


Fanaticism consists of redoubling your effort

when you have forgotten your aim…



Today we’ll talk about fanaticism, which is quite a common phenomenon in this world. It can be seen almost everywhere. We meet fanatics of football, hockey, TV series, celebrities, cars, computers, nationalities and countries. In fact, crazy fans can be found in any area touched upon by human consciousness. It’s a wholly internal phenomenon which refers to human perception and is indicative of one’s inner world. And it’s a prominent diagnostic symptom for someone who tries to help a person address their current problem.


It can be said that in 90% of cases human problems are somehow or other connected with fanatic attitude towards life. It’s also true that in the same 90% of cases one finds it hard to admit that their problem is rooted in fanaticism. So the first thing we must realize is that a fanatic is the most difficult person to help. Such people ardently believe that they are not fanatics at all. Thus, in order to help them we must be ‘fans of our own work’ so that our professionalism could exceed self-confidence of a suffering person.


So, how to recognize a fanatic? It’s quite simple. Crazy fan is a brilliant representative of black and white thinking, without any shades of gray. He/she accepts either black or white and can’t allow any combination to exist. For example, a Hare Krishna fanatic sincerely believes that the most imperfect Hare Krishna devotee is still much better than a good Christian. And conversely, a Christian fanatic is sure that the weakest Christian is much better than the best Hare Krishna devotee. To put it shortly, whoever is not with us can’t get into our category of white. Regardless of their deeds, they’ll always stay in the category of black.


It points to the fact that we don’t let representatives of other world-views into our mind. And there’s only one reason for that. We don’t know what to say if they ask why we see the world the way we see it. We simply don’t know the answer to the question of why we are doing what we are doing. We aren’t sure about our choice, and thus exclude any possibility of conversation on the subject. There are no questions raised among fanatics. By the way, this is one of the symptoms of fanaticism. How can a person who is afraid of questions come up with inquiry? So as you have probably noticed we insist that questions be asked before and after the lecture. This is extremely important both for the lecturer and the listener. A lecturer must be sure that he/she does not incite fanaticism. And listeners must make sure they aren’t becoming fanatics. Thus, any silent listener who doesn’t ask questions is a potential fanatic. By the way, this is precisely why our consultancy is based on question-and-answer platform. It initially cuts off fanatic individuals, as there’s nothing harder than to give advice to a crazy fan. What can you say to a person who considers you an enemy, at least to some degree? This is no longer a consultation, but fighting for dear life.


Another trait a fanatic has is that he/she wants everything to happen quickly. Fanatics want enlightenment to be attained quickly, temples to be built quickly. They want to get initiation and attain recognition as fast as possible. They don’t care about the quality – the main thing is that it all should happen fast. This is the main characteristic to make them easily recognizable. Fanatics are always in a hurry; they are dissatisfied with the fact that everything goes slowly. They speak to others: “Why are you so slow? Why is your progress so slow? Why haven’t you accepted a spiritual master yet? Why aren’t you with us? Why do you keep hesitating – you’ll run out of time.” But here’s something they can’t understand. No matter how hard you run around the train, you won’t be able to reach your destination faster. You’ll only make yourself tired and annoy all others. I’d like to tell a funny parable in this regard.


One morning a disciple and his master took a path across the fields. The disciple asked what kind of diet could help to achieve purity. Although his master spoke a lot about the sacred food, the disciple couldn’t believe it.


“There must be some special food that instantly brings us closer to God,” he said.

“Well, maybe you’re right,” said the master. “For example, that mushrooms over there.”


The disciple got all excited thinking that mushrooms can bring purity and enlightenment. But when he stopped to pick one, he cried out:

“Why, they are poisonous! If I eat a least one of them, I’ll die on the spot!”

“Well excuse me,” said the master, “I don’t know any other food that can bring you closer to God as soon as you want.”


As we already found out, fanaticism is the blind, irrevocable adherence to beliefs, especially in the religious, philosophical, political or national sphere. It is driven to extremes by commitment to ideas, views or beliefs and is usually combined with intolerance to views and beliefs of others. It seems quite understandable. We agree that fanaticism is something one should keep away from; that such people are in sore need of help. But in reality, fanaticism is advantageous for those who are selfish, cunning and are ready to sacrifice a couple of crazy fans for execution of their own projects. Fanatics are sometimes mistreated, and this is also fanaticism. Anti-fanaticism is just the other side of the story. Fanaticism is a natural stage of development, after all. It shouldn’t be rejected. It must be corrected and balanced out. Therefore, those who fight against fanaticism are also semi-fanatic.


What advantage can be sucked out of fanaticism? It’s as easy as ABC. As an emotional state, it’s characterized by excessive zeal and enthusiasm. If we have a project that is not so easy to implement, or we don’t want to spend money on it, we can simply find a couple of fanatics, and they’ll move mountains and rivers to achieve this goal. You just have to explain how important the thing is. Thus, one can easily recognize those who take advantage of fanatics as gratuitous workers. They find a fanatic and convince him/her of great significance of what they should do. Such exploiters make crazy fans leap into the breach on their behalf. And when they are no longer able to make headway, everyone simply forgets about their existence.


In fact, fanaticism is a psychological illness. It equals to blindness both towards oneself and things to be done. This indicates reluctance to see the world as a whole. It’s not a worldview, but a partial vision, philosophical cataract. Therefore, fanatics should in no way be exploited or selfishly used for one’s own ends. They must be cured of their fanaticism. Sooner or later a fanatic will understand that he/she was being exploited. Resentment will be the only feeling that will arise in heart. They’ll be resentful against the whole world. Therefore, the one who is truly merciful does not incite fanaticism. One tries to reduce it by talking to a person as if they already got rid of their disease.


Let’s have a look at some other aspects of fanaticism. It will help us recognize fanatic without fail or find signs of this disease in ourselves. What is fanatic way of thinking? What does ‘fanatic’s worldview’ imply? Let’s get this straightened out.

Fanatic sincerely believes that:


  • the world was created by God but can’t understand how those who don’t share his/her religious views could come into being. Fanatic honestly thinks that those who disagree have no relation to the plans of God; that they are God’s enemies. He/she can’t even assume that God Himself has sent these people to destroy fanaticism which prevents spiritual advancement.


  • a different philosophy or belief system needs to be taken with a whole shakerful of salt. At the same time those who are doubtful or skeptical about fanatic’s own philosophy are nothing but ignorant fools. Fanatic thinks that those ill-fated people are crazy because they don’t see the purity and sublimity of his/her ideas.


  • They are always confident that their world outlook is much wider than any other’s. They are absolutely confident that in their scriptures much more information is given. It is far more detailed and clear. Fanatics consider people who disagree as unlucky creatures who suffer from being narrow-minded. Fanatic wants to open the eyes of the whole world thinking that everyone else is blind, and only he/she is able to see.


  • Fanatic is genuinely surprised to hear that the sacred teachings of scriptures must be applied in real life and their application may significantly differ from the original teaching.


  • Fanatic sincerely thinks that persons who hold a different belief system must have come under the influence of some cunning and crafty man. This cheat must be exposed. Then everyone will see that they were cheated. At this stage “we can help them all”.


  • Fanatic sincerely believes that to think and have a personal opinion is no better than atheism.


  • Fanatic is sure that any materialistic book is written for the sake of earning money or fame, while any spiritual book is written in all sincerity.


  • By the way,


  • an atheist fanatic really thinks that crimes committed by religious people completely discredit their religion; while crimes atheists commit don’t throw any suspicion on atheism and are not related thereto.
  • Fanatic atheists assert that belief in God is a blind faith, but don’t notice that they themselves blindly believe in the absence of God.
  • Fanatic atheist is sure that each person has their own definition of good and evil, but faith in God must be evil for everyone.
  • Fanatic atheist is sure that any religious person is mentally ill by definition.
  • Atheist fanatics think that people hold religious beliefs only not to go to hell. And when someone tells such an atheist about hell, he/she thinks this is done exclusively for the sake of getting money or gaining access to his/her apartment…


We’ll end the lecture with the parable.


Satan once went for a walk with his servant. They saw a man who bent down and picked something off the ground.

“What has this man found?” asked the servant.

“A piece of truth,” replied Satan.

“Doesn’t it bother you?”

“No,” said Satan. “He’ll make a new fanatical religion out of it.”



Vigor and Valor (chapter from “How to Get Twice as Happy” by V.O. Ruzov)


Today we’re going to focus on two important traits of successful people: vigor and valor. These are more than just key traits of high achievers. These are royal qualities possessed by a person willing to serve the whole country and even the whole world. Vigor and valor characterize both a good leader and a man of faith, ready to fulfill his mission for the benefit of the whole universe. The one who has these characteristics is already successful. These personality traits — especially their auspicious combination — are exceptionally rare to be found within a person. However, it’s not enough to be a successful possessor of wonderful traits. One needs to know how to put them to good use.


In fact, acting vigorously is a sort of “resistance” to the laws of karma. Though, it must be noted that karma doesn’t set a goal of beating one to death. The purpose of karma is to transform a person, purify him of dirty desires and temper his heart. Fire can burn you up, but it also has a purifying power. Karma is like fire. So a wise person perceives it as merciful purification, rather than cruel punishment.


The sages disclose the first secret of karma: no matter what hardships by the twist of fate you are facing, intensive efforts always make you victorious. You needn’t lose heart at the first hint of trouble, just as there’s no need to get upset about stormy weather at sea. Prepare your ship for the voyage. Time will come, and the sea will allow you to subjugate it. ‘Get the things you may need ready before you may need them,’ people say.


It means that at a certain level of endeavors, the heart will get purified of dirt, and karma will let the desired goal come true. The only thing that matters is the goal itself. It must be spiritualized and sublime. Therefore, it is recommended that we have genuine fear of inaction. Inaction is really ought to be feared. There is nothing more dangerous than to have a lofty goal and do nothing. It’s as much as to be a firefighter, see the fire and simply stand by and watch how everything burns down. Or to be a lifeguard and watch someone drown without taking urgent measures. The one who has an aim is bound to act. It is his duty. If he neglects this opportunity, he loses himself. Life becomes devoid of meaning, and one has to be born again and again, to accomplish all his tasks. In fact, we were born again into this world because we were not sufficiently active to achieve lofty goals in our past life.


Sages explain that people in this day and age are too much proud of small occasional deeds they do for others. In point of fact, it’s nothing to be proud of, really. You did something ten years ago, so what of it? Occasional good deeds should be cause for shame, not pride. Only those who are blessed with the mood of constant activity can take pride in helpfulness. Those who actively continue to do good may rest assured things are going the right way. If I bought fine groceries, it doesn’t mean that I cooked a delicious meal. I only got the opportunity to cook it.

By turning the key just once, I may not open the door. In a similar way, I should turn the key to the door of life multiple times, until it becomes unlocked. These “turns” consist of pious actions for the benefit of God and His children. According to the scriptures, the mere desire to serve society and the Lord, without readiness to act vigorously and decisively a whole life long, can be compared to the weakling’s determination to use weapons. It’s most likely that he will hurt himself and cause bodily harm to others. Indolence is not just a problem. It’s a real danger… Just imagine an indolent driver, surgeon or a pilot…


It is a duty of every person to eliminate problems friends and family are facing. We should give support in every way possible to help them establish themselves in the successes and achievements. However, only those who are fond of work, and are able to abandon pleasures at the same time, can fulfill this obligation. It’s no easy matter, actually. It takes some doing. It’s not as simple as going to the movies or having tea together. We must really apply all our efforts for the sake of our close ones, so they could be safe and sound. Otherwise, karma of a person who abandoned his close ones to their fate will follow us.


It is said in the scriptures that the grave elder sister of the goddess of fortune lives side by side with an idle man, while the merciful Shri, the goddess of fortune Herself, resides in human efforts. The two always come together. Yes, Lakshmi and Alakshi are sisters and they love each other. When someone becomes indolent, Shri, the goddess of good fortune, leaves such a person, giving way to Alakshmi, the goddess of bad luck. Alakshi is the very same elder sister of Lakshmi people don’t like to talk about. However, the two siblings are inseparable. The sister bringing misfortune is symbolized by the owl sitting at Lakshmi’s feet.


The law of karma says we should never accuse anyone of not being gifted-minded. But if one is simply not eager to make full effort to get the knowledge essential for life – this is really reprehensible. One may not be naturally gifted or exceptionally smart. That doesn’t matter. Even without special skills or personality traits, it’s possible to achieve the goal of life. One should simply try hard, make active and continuous efforts to attain it. By contrast to this, modern psychologists recommend just thinking about your goal, hoping things will work themselves out. But can you imagine a wife who instead of making dinner says to her husband she’s been visualizing French fries in her mind?


Moreover, it is said in the scriptures: if bad luck doesn’t let one achieve the desired goal, an attempt will pay for itself. Honest and active effort in itself is rewarding. It elevates one a step higher the evolutionary stairway of life. It strengthens the character, gives active experience, provides perspectives for the future and shows the limits of possible efforts. So there are good grounds for saying: “It doesn’t hurt to try.” The one who makes a try doesn’t waste time for he endeavors to understand the system in which he wants to obtain the desired result. Thus, a beginner driver learns how to park properly. First he fails, but after trying a few times he understands the system and finally gets it right. It cannot be emphasized enough that one should simply continue trying.


Lastly, we may even face seemingly impossible tasks. Bold, well-thought-out efforts will enable to see how karma, fate itself steps back. By strengthening the character, active efforts contribute to the evolution of consciousness. It causes karma to change. Therefore, in the society it is customary to reprove a person if he doesn’t develop his skills in a systematic way, doesn’t work on himself or make any steps towards his goal of life. Weak will is a sinful character trait. It eventually prevents one from becoming wise and saintly.


And certainly, to be constantly active, one should exhibit the character trait of valor. An active personality can’t afford to break down under the burden of failure, defeat or hardships. Sages give the great formula for valor: laugh when you face misfortune. It will help you to gain victory over any misfortune or misery. Saints, missionaries and men of faith demonstrate this particular behavior. Being tossed around by the waves of fate, they meet misfortune with a smile. The higher the waves, the more they laugh. But this is not the laughter of a fool. This is the laughter of a fearless person who set his mind on the act of valor. Nothing can deter him from success. Challenges only instigate him and inspire even more decisive actions.


In December 1914 Thomas Edison’s laboratory was burned to ashes. The inventor was already 67 years old when this happened. The fire caused incredible damage. Its equivalent in today’s money would exceed 2 million euros. Comparatively, € 200 000 insurance payout he got was a pittance and could only cover a fraction of the damages.


But that was not the worst. Worse still, all the results of scientific works were destroyed by fire. Edison’s life work, his partly designed scientific inventions, recollections and notes – everything went up in flames. In as little as a couple of hours his life-work was burned to the ground!


Edison’s son searched everywhere for his father. He was anxious about how his father would live through this disaster. It turned out that Thomas Edison stood calmly nearby watching everything from the safe distance. He was absolutely calm and composed. He smiled as he looked at the ruins. He only thing he wanted was to see his wife.


When she came, he seriously told her, “Just look, we haven’t seen anything like that in our whole life! There’s value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God, we can start anew.”


Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. But it’s up to us to choose how to respond to them. It is we who choose our attitude to the life events.


As it is said in the scriptures, ill luck may come like a flash flood. But if one does some serious thinking, it will go away. Hence, when you feel like you have bad luck, it’s nothing but mental concoction. Mature thinking will enable one to rise above it and take one step further towards the intended goal. It should be well understood that one is born, properly speaking, to become target for bad luck. A wise person knows it and is not disturbed by the adversities. Hardships mostly affect the body, but the intelligence can be above them. Hardships are the natural part of life. They can’t stop a wise person. Yes, we wait for a while at red lights, but it doesn’t end our journey, does it? As soon as the traffic lights change to green, we go forward. When it’s raining heavily, people seek shelter from rain. But when the shower abates, they head towards their destinations even faster.


Hence, the following conclusion is given in the scriptures. Those can easily go through hardships who don’t let the thirst for pleasures grow in their soul and realize it is the human lot to meet with difficulties. Also, the way one will react in the time of trouble can be seen from one’s behavior during a lucky streak. This must be clearly understood. If one keeps cool head amid success, one is protected from grief during times of misfortune. Such a person will be able to resist hardships and even overcome them. He who keeps cool head during a spate of good luck is sure to find strength to live through hard times, as well.


And now, I’d like to tell you a parable of Tadao Yamaguchi that is popular among businessmen.

“Master,” asked the disciple, “what’s the role of luck and chance in success?”

“What do you mean by these terms?” preceptor bent his head interrogatively.


The disciple thought for a minute.

“It is by pure chance when I turn to a client who has just run out of goods that I’m selling. For some reason, his regular supplier can’t deliver them, so as a result, I get a new customer. And it is sheer luck if I go to a party, for example, and suddenly meet a person very important for my business. When it’s been a long time since I wanted to find some approach to him.”


“You might have noticed,” said the Master, “that those whom you consider lucky simply work more. They frequently turn to those whom they want to see as their customer. They often visit the places where they stand a good chance of meeting a right person.”


“So you want to say it’s only the matter of chance?” the disciple showed surprise.

“Not only,” frowned the Master. “First of all, this is hard work.”